二、方向如下: 1. 磁共振成像,尤其是扩散磁共振成像(diffusion MRI)以及功能磁共振成像(functional MRI)
3. 光学成像;
4. 医学图像处理和分析;
5. 模式识别与计算智能;
6. 计算神经科学与神经模拟;
7. 认知心理学与认知神经科学(视觉、听觉、学习、决策等);
8. 复杂网络与神经动力学;
9. 多道电生理与神经编码;
10. 脑功能与脑疾病相关的生物信息学与系统生物学;
11. 植入式脑机接口。
袁 勤 书记: +86-28-83208838, yuanqin@uestc.edu.cn,
黄百灵 主任: +86-28-83208238, huangbl@uestc.edu.cn.
更多信息,请访问神经信息教育部重点实验室 (neuro.uestc.edu.cn)和电子科技大学人事处(http://www.pd.uestc.edu.cn)。招聘将持续进行,直到额满为止。
Associate/Full Professors in The Key Laboratory for NeuroInformation of Ministry of Education, the School of Life Science and Technology of UESTC
Aimed at a world level Research Center, the Key Laboratory for NeuroInformation of Ministry of Education, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), seeks up 10 full time faculties from associate to full professor levels in the following areas:
1. MRI, especially diffusion MRI and functional MRI;
2. EEG and ERP;
3. Optical Imaging (biological field);
4. Medical Image processing;
5. Pattern recognition and computational intelligence;
6. Computational neuroscience;
7. Cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience(vision, auditory, learning, and decision making etc);
8. Complex networks and neurodynamics;
9. Multichannel recordings and neural coding;
10. Brain funtion and dysfunction related bioinformatics;
11. Implanted Brain computer interface.
Interested applicants should send an e-mail attachment including a curriculum vita, desired position, statement of research goals, and pertinent preprints and publications to the following address for the first screen.
Mr Yuan, +86-28-83208838, yuanqin@uestc.edu.cn;
Mis Han: +86-28-83208238, hanlife@uestc.edu.cn.
More information, please visit the Key Laboratory (neuro.uestc.edu.cn), or the school (www.life.uestc.edu.cn) and the human resource department of the university (www.pd.uestc.edu.cn).
The search will be continued until all the positions are filled.
袁 勤 书记: +86-28-83208838, yuanqin@uestc.edu.cn,
黄百灵 主任: +86-28-83208238, huangbl@uestc.edu.cn.
更多信息,请访问神经信息教育部重点实验室 (neuro.uestc.edu.cn)和电子科技大学人事处(http://www.pd.uestc.edu.cn)。招聘将持续进行,直到额满为止。
Associate/Full Professors in The Key Laboratory for NeuroInformation of Ministry of Education, the School of Life Science and Technology of UESTC
Aimed at a world level Research Center, the Key Laboratory for NeuroInformation of Ministry of Education, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), seeks up 10 full time faculties from associate to full professor levels in the following areas:
Interested applicants should send an e-mail attachment including a curriculum vita, desired position, statement of research goals, and pertinent preprints and publications to the following address for the first screen.
Mr Yuan, +86-28-83208838, yuanqin@uestc.edu.cn;
Mis Han: +86-28-83208238, hanlife@uestc.edu.cn.
More information, please visit the Key Laboratory (neuro.uestc.edu.cn), or the school (www.life.uestc.edu.cn) and the human resource department of the university (www.pd.uestc.edu.cn).
The search will be continued until all the positions are filled.
- 版权所有:神经信息教育部重点实验室
- 地址:四川省成都市建设北路二段四号电子科技大学 邮编:610054
- 电子邮件:neuro@uestc.edu.cn
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